Reporter, host and videographer
Professional Profile
I am a graduated Journalist and editor of news, articles, and broadcast programs.
Having diversified interests in journalism and news since childhood, in 2016, I decided
to take my path in this field, so I decided to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism
for four years at the Complutense University of Madrid, a prestigious University in
Spain. Today, the Complutense University of Madrid is positioned in one of the top
places in international measurements of educational institutions.
Thanks to this study I was also able to start working in 2017, in Inforadio UCM, even
before I obtained my degree, gaining professional experience and awakening more
interest to learn more.
Videographer Reporter Video Editor Social Media
Journalist Copywriting Producer Creative Content
Work Experience
Video Production Assistant
ZoomerMedia, Toronto
Found and contacted people to participate in ZoomerMedia's shows.
Shot and edited videos for ZoomerNews.
Journalist and Reporter
La 8 León and La 7 Castilla y León Television (Spain)
Wrote and edited for Newscast.
Investigative, Entertainment and Advertising Coverage.
Co-host 8 Magazine León.
Provided voice-over for TV Commercials.
Editor-in-chief of the Cultural section
El Diario de León (Spain)
Did interviews.
Wrote cultural stories about painting, history and music.
Designed and edited the Cultural section in the newspaper.
Graduate Certificate Broadcast Journalism
Fanshawe College, London (Ontario)
Graduate from this exciting 8-month graduate certificate program with the practical journalism training and experience you need for a career as a journalist, videographer, producer, editor or writer.
Master's Degree in Digital and Data Journalism
​Nebrija University (Spain)
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Bachelor's Degree in Journalism
Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)
Degree in Journalism interprets reality, gives meaning to it and contributes to raising the degree of freedom of the citizens it informs, providing them with the means to choose and express their opinions freely.
Interests and Hobbies
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